Siberian Kitten Care

Siberian Kitten Care

Kitten Care

Bringing a new kitten or cat home is usually exciting. You can’t wait to show off your new family member to your friends and family, and you’re already looking forward to many years of happy companionship. The way you introduce your new cat to your home might have a significant impact on how well he adjusts.

Keep in mind that cats are creature of habit. They prefer things to be consistent and predictable from day to day. You’ll be removing your cat from his normal settings and placing him in a noisy, moving vehicle, expecting him to acclimatize to new circumstances, new people, and possibly new animals. This is a lot to ask, and regardless of how beautiful you and your home are, even the most laid-back cat will be stressed and nervous! Take things gently and give your cat plenty of time to adjust to his new home to make the move as smooth as possible.

Before you bring your new cat or kitten home

Making preparations in advance will make the adjustment to a new house much easier for both you and your cat.

Make an appointment to get your fur baby evaluated by your veterinarian first. If at all possible, make the appointment so that you can take your cat to the vet within 72 hours after picking him up.

Make sure the cat has a robust travel crate to ride in. The majority of the time, returning home will include a car travel. When cats are frightened, they may feel more at ease in a contained environment. An unsupervised cat can be a big pain in the neck. A driving hazard, particularly if she crawls down by the pedals or leaps onto your shoulder It’s also a good idea to keep your kitten care in a carrier in case it vomits, urinates, or defecates, which some cats do when they’re anxious.

To reduce the number of transitions your new pet will have to make on the first day, find out what food and litter the cat has been eating and attempt to obtain the same brand. If you want to switch brands later, gradually introduce the new brand into the old over the course of a week.

Kitten home

Put your new cat’s food, drink, toys, scratching post, and litter pan in a quiet place you can seal off before bringing him home, such as a spare bedroom or bathroom. If your new cat is hesitant or afraid, or if you have other cats, Feliway may be beneficial. Feliway is a product that was created to assist cats cope with anxiety. Pheromones from the cat’s face are present. Pheromones are substances that allow members of the same species to communicate with one another. A cat’s face and chin are frequently rubbed on vertical surfaces. She’s leaving a scent behind that includes these pheromones. Other cats are calmed by the pheromones released by the face.

If you have additional cats, you may want to spray Feliway in the cat’s new room, in the cat carrier before and after you pick up the kitten care, and throughout the home. You may also buy a plug-in version of the product to use around the house.

The initial introduction to your home

Before a cat to feel at ease in a new environment, it must first become well acquainted with it. All at once, a complete apartment or house might be overwhelming. Many cats hide under beds or furniture for days at a time. Learning about you, your family, and your home in little increments will be far less traumatic for your cat. If you have numerous people and/or dogs in your home, this is even more crucial.

When you initially bring your cat home, put him in the room you’ve prepared for him, close the door, and let him to explore that area first. Allow the cat to emerge from his crate on his own; do not coax or tip the crate to get him to go. Cats are curious creatures, and most will emerge to investigate their surroundings. If the cat appears to be fearful, you can leave the room and return later. Get a book and read if you really want to stay in your room. When the cat is ready to come out, keep put and wait for him to approach you.

Talk to him softly and reassuringly, pet him if he appears interested, but don’t pick him up. Leave the open carrier in the room for him to use as a safe haven if he so desires. Allow him time to realize that he can rely on you.

The introduction to other family members

Slowly introduce other family members. Allow them to enter the room one at a time, one at a time, to pet and play with the cat. Allow younger children to sit, then demonstrate how to gently massage the cat’s fur and give her some snacks. Make sure your kids understand that they are not to chase, hurt, or harass the cat while she eats, sleeps, or uses the litter box. If you don’t have any other pets, you can start letting the cat explore the rest of the house after a few days.